About Us

Due Diligence & Asset Analysis

From office audits to mechanical systems analyses, our professional team handles complete due diligence. Our professional team is quick and efficient in determining the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats to your existing or potential assets. At the conclusion of our assessment we will provide you with a professionally presented report of findings to determine existing interior finishes, renovation potential and a property condition analysis to help you re-trade or determine a fair cap rate. We can also present you with comparative bids for all necessary work.

Accounting, Reporting, & Financial Services

Our professional on-site teams are supervised by Certified Property Managers, trained in financial review and thorough analysis. Additionally our accounting team has decades of accounting experience specifically in multifamily, a specialized accounting field. The result- the highest quality financial packages, attuned to details and aligned with the goals of your specific business strategy. We have out of the box reporting policies to keep you informed of your asset’s performance and will also custom tailor reporting and communication to the needs of each client.

Full Management & Construction Supervision

Regardless if your asset is stabilized or being repositioned, at Metric we will strive daily to find creative avenues to strategically improve your income and thus the value of the community. We complete regular market analysis to prepare for future trends and maximize rental rates. We have some of the best negotiated rates in the industry for R&M supplies and bulk capability to purchase materials for renovations.

Our Team


Lyndsay Hanes

President of Property Management

Jessica Smith

Director of Accounting

Rebekah Tuckner

Regional Manager

Jeanette Rodriguez

Regional Manager

Michelle Smith

Regional Manager

Frida Zavala

Office Manager

Candy Cooper

Property Level Accountant

Ashley Norton


Roman Spinks

Systems Administrator

Vivian Wydler

Recruiting Manager

Grecia Luttman

Lead Generator

Jezzie Huerta

Evictions Manager

Thorten Dickman

Executive Assistant